Welcome to Marshall Young Audio
Welcome to my online portfolio. Here you’ll find examples of my work in sound design, music recording & mixing, and schoolwork. Go ahead and browse the rest of my site and let me know if you have any questions about my work.
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About Marshall Young
I seek to never delegate understanding. Whether in an international broadcast environment in a foreign country, an underfunded university, a hybrid TV studio/post-production house, or a virtual reality film development team, I look to conquer challenges and teach the people around me. I have mixed over 180 Front of House events, over 450 live broadcasts, and have had projects shown in 7 different film festivals.
Public speakers I have mixed include: Dr. James Dobson, John Hagee, Matt Hagee, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Tom Delay, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, Julian Castro, Shawn Michaels, and Ted Cruz.
Musical performers I have mixed include: Natalie Grant, Keith Getty, Mac Powell, Canton Junction, Aaron and Amanda Crabb, Love and the Outcome, The Hoppers, The Isaacs, Barry Michael, and Kiss Kiss.

Check out my work in a variety of roles in supporting visual media. Re-Recording Mixer, Sound Designer, Dialogue Editor, Supervising Sound Editor, a little bit of everything.
Recording and mixing music is the foundation of my interest and career in sound. Click here to sample some of my work.
Getting a Masters in Sound Design challenged me to learn new skill sets and explore new territory in sound. This gallery will show you some of the projects I made for school.

Professional History
What I've Done
Project Aedes
January 2017 - March 2017
Project Aedes was a themed entertainment installation with multiple speakers and projectors. I performed Foley and sound designed for most of the metal and mechanical aspects of the experience.
Say It With Music
December 2015 - August 2016
I was the Supervising Sound Editor for 'Say It With Music', the world's first musical written for Virtual Reality. I worked closely with the arranger and directors, scheduled & recorded musicians & percussionists, and organized a team of Sound Design students to facilitate the necessary Foley, ADR, music rights, and mix of the project.
All Thumbs and Green
July 2016 - August 2016
This short was originally created for a 48 hour film festival, but was later readdressed for post-production refinement. I covered location sound, dialogue editing, and sound design. It later showed in the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema.
Them Park
June 2016Â - July 2016
I served as the Supervising Sound Editor, Dialogue Editor, and Sound Designer on this project and oversaw the recording of its soundtrack and the audio team which created the Foley sounds and the final surround sound mix for the short film. Them Park showed in the Rails to Reels film festival and won a Bronze Award from the North American Film Awards.
Fowl Play
July 2016
I was one of the Sound Designers on this short animation as well as the Re-Recording Mixer.
Murder Springs
May 2016
This short film appeared in the 2016 Atlanta Horror Film Festival. I was the Re-Recording Mixer for this piece.
Mark the Zombie
May 2016
I was the Re-Recording Mixer for this animated short.
The Place Where Rainbows Came From
April 2016
I was the Re-Recording Mixer on this animated short.
John Hagee Ministries
July 2011 - August 2015
As an audio engineer I mixed and recorded hundreds of live broadcasts, helped transition our post-production audio team from Nuendo to Pro Tools, worked with all areas of broadcast and post-production to improve workflow (the audio department achieved a 1024% increase in speed on our primary product while improving its quality), insured that Federal mix levels were consistent, supported shoots with location sound support, re-designed the Avid/Euphonix System 5 layout, sound designed advertisements and promotional videos, and experienced a 17-fold increase in the size of our live audience.
JNJ Live Sound
January 2009 - July 2011
Assisted with the set up and tear down of live audio equipment, provided front of house audio mixed and assisted with managing stages.
University of Texas at San Antonio
December 2008 - July 2011
Oversaw the connected Academic Technology classrooms in the UTSA business building. Duties included recording class lectures in multiple formats, operating remote cameras, connecting to remote classrooms through fiber modems, and assisting with the installation of audio/visual equipment across campus.
Beijing Olympic Broadcasting
August 2008
Assisted with engineering needs during the setup of the Olympic games. Ran cables between broadcast trucks and cabins in compound two and the National Indoor Stadium. Operated VTRs in the TOC of compound two. Terminated audio cables for broadcast.
Asbury College Media Communications Department
January 2007 - May 2008
Assisted all media needs of students and faculty within the department. Distributed equipment as needed.
328 Studios
September 2007 - April 2008
As an intern I mixed audio for various clients; recorded, edited, and placed Foley sounds for a Sony film; and cleaned and sweetened audio for film.
Asbury College Learning Resources Sound Crew
August 2005 - April 2008
Repaired equipment as needed. Set up, troubleshot, and tore down audio and video equipment. Regularly mixed live sound in a 1200+ person venue.